Representing Commercial Real Estate and Its Tenants

NAIOP is commercial real estate in Minnesota and the job-creating businesses that are its tenants. NAIOP members invest in, develop, build and manage existing and new properties, creating and sustaining jobs.

The Minnesota businesses that occupy commercial real estate face intense national and global competition. This includes with business property taxes, transportation costs and government regulation.

The largest of these burdens is one that business has no control over: the Minnesota general property tax. This extra tax limits employers’ ability to invest back into their business and to reinvest in their community. All businesses pay this tax, no matter on size, location or profitability.

NAIOP Minnesota works with policymakers to reduce the burdens on business owners, entrepreneurs and employers. NAIOP shapes policies that encourage businesses to stay, invest and expand in Minnesota.

Roz Peterson

Public Policy Director

Roz Peterson
(612) 708-5281

Our Priorities

2024 Legislative Priorities »


  • Commercial/industrial property tax relief (state legislature)
  • Adaptive reuse (state legislature)


  • Assessments on commercial property (local government)
  • Business liability (state legislature)
  • Commercial property valuation (local government)
  • Economic development incentives (TIF, grants, etc.) (state, regional & local governments)
  • Fiscal disparities (state legislature)
  • Impact fees (local government)
  • Infrastructure (state legislature)
  • Met Council governance & reform (regional agency)
  • Municipal policies (local government)
  • Property tax classifications (state legislature)
  • Regional policies (local government)
  • Sustainability initiatives (state, regional & local governments)
  • Transparency in government fees & expenses (local government)


  • Major labor & employment legislation (state legislature)
  • Municipal street improvement districts (local government)
  • State & local building codes (state legislature - Dept of Labor & Industry - & local government
  • Workforce expansion (state legislature)

Our Issues

NAIOP Minnesota supports public policy that is pro-business and keeps Minnesota’s economy healthy and competitive. NAIOP Minnesota’s priority issues are business property taxes, local government transparency, and fiscal disparities.

Business Property Taxes

Minnesota employers currently face an extra tax burden, on top of local property taxes, that is impacting the state’s ability to keep and attract businesses.
Report: Minnesota’s Tax on Commercial/Industrial Properties is an Egregious Outlier for Minnesota Business

Local Government Transparency

More transparency is needed in identifying where taxes are being spent.

Fiscal Disparities

As the value of the area-wide tax base has grown and the demand for public revenue sources has increased, proposals to use the program for both private and public projects have emerged, heightening the concern of NAIOP Minnesota members and their tenants.


NAIOP provides strong advocacy, education and business opportunities and connects its members through a powerful North American Network.


NAIOP's advocacy efforts are funded by the Penny Per Square Foot Fund.

Learn more about PPSF »

Your generous support will help NAIOP elect legislators who are champions of the commercial real estate development industry.

Learn more about the PAC »